Interview with a Game Developer: How Bundles Benefit Indie Developers

Are you an avid gamer looking for the best deals on your favorite games? Do you want to support independent game developers while getting a great deal? If so, you're in luck! In this article, we'll be talking with a game developer about how bundles benefit indie developers.

Meet Our Game Developer

First, let's introduce our game developer. His name is John and he's the founder of a small indie game studio called Pixelated Panda Games. The studio has recently released a new game called Space Adventures, which has been well-received by players and critics alike.

How Bundles Work

So, what are bundles and how do they work? Bundles are collections of games or software that are sold together for a discounted price. The idea behind bundles is to offer customers a great deal while also supporting a group of creators at the same time.

Bundles can be organized in different ways – for example, they can be "pay what you want" bundles, where the customer can choose how much they want to pay, or they can be "fixed price" bundles, where a set price is required in order to access the content.

The Benefits of Bundles

So, why would indie game developers want to participate in bundles? John explains that there are several benefits:

1. Increased Exposure

"By participating in a bundle, our game gets exposure to a wider audience," John says. "Not everyone knows about our game, so being part of a bundle can help us reach more potential customers."

2. Improved Sales

"Being featured in a bundle can also lead to increased sales," John says. "Even though we're selling our game at a discounted price, the increased exposure can lead to more sales overall."

3. Networking Opportunities

"When we participate in a bundle, we get to network with other game developers and share our experiences," John says. "This can lead to new collaborations, partnerships, and even friendships."

4. Increased Revenue

"Even though we're offering our game at a discounted price, participating in a bundle can actually lead to increased revenue," John says. "Since we're reaching a wider audience and potentially selling more copies, the increased volume of sales can make up for the reduced price point."

But What About Devaluation of the Game?

"But doesn't this devalue the game, since it's being sold for a lower price?" you may be wondering. John assures us that this isn't necessarily the case.

"While offering our game at a lower price point may seem like it devalues the game, it's important to remember that bundle sales don't represent the majority of our overall sales," John explains. "We also set the price for the bundle, so we can ensure that it's still providing value for our customers while also making sense for us as developers."

Choosing Which Bundles to Participate In

Not all bundles are created equal, however. Indie game developers need to be strategic about which bundles they participate in.

"We look for bundles that fit our game's demographic and target audience," John says. "For example, if our game is a sci-fi adventure game, we may look to participate in bundles that focus on sci-fi or adventure games."

John also points out that not all bundles are the same in terms of revenue splits and exposure.

"We look for bundles that offer a fair revenue split and that have a good reputation in the industry," John says. "We also want to make sure that the bundle is actively promoted and that our game is featured prominently."

Final Thoughts

In summary, participating in bundles can be a great way for indie game developers to get their games in front of a wider audience, increase exposure, improve sales, network with other developers, and increase revenue.

"It's important to think strategically about which bundles to participate in and to make sure that the bundle is providing value for both the customer and the developer," John says.

So, the next time you're looking for a great deal on some awesome indie games, be sure to check out some of the bundles available – not only will you be getting a great deal, but you'll also be supporting some amazing indie game developers.

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed